Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our future-------

This week we learned that President Bush has authorized cross border attacks, by ground forces in Afghanistan, on Pakistani tribal retreats from where the Taliban launches attacks on NATO forces in Afghanistan. The Pakistani government has wailed over our ignoring their sovereignty but unless those enclaves are thrashed our hopes of eliminating this terrorist base their infrastructure could take over Pakistan along with it’s nuclear weapons and know how.

Meanwhile, Russia, with foreign investors bailing out, has pulled back from forward checkpoints in Georgia, one of it’s breakaway republics. This, even after Vice President Cheney, as Bush emissary, pledged $ 1 billion of our money to rebuild that befuddled country, after it was appropriately thrashed and trashed by Russian forces, who were responding to Georgia’s full scale attack on it’s own breakaway province of South Ossetia.

On a muggy, overcast day in Maine I am reviewing video clips on the web of the scenes in Galveston and Houston that have also been thrashed by Hurricane Ike while also following the news reports of top level meetings aimed to still the economic hurricane that is thrashing our financial and banking system.

Finally, I have watched with interest and no small dismay the ABC interviews of Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for Vice President, by Charles Gibson, that networks lead talking head. I was and am dismayed.

Dismayed by Gibson’s prosecutorial and churlish tone and Ms. Palin’s obvious lack of background. Having once been in such a situation I regret the need for her or anyone to be placed in a position subject to a talking heads interrogation that are then distorted by the network edits.

Needless to say she could have avoided such treatment simply by refusing Senator McCain’s offer to join his ticket. After she accepted the interview entertainment, instead of the Republican minders trying to cram everything that there is to know about everything into her head over a week they should have trained her to answer fire with fire.

No one, including Bill or Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John McCain can or should be expected to give a discourse, in detail, in under twenty seconds a question, on any of the key points challenging our country and the world. No one can provide clear steps to just address the few points I have listed at the intro to this blog, let alone provide a running, real time analysis of how to cure the worlds ills and uncertainty.

Ms. Palin however, did not chose to do that and her vulnerability came through. Her understanding of what the Bush doctrine was, or is, demonstrated lack of depth. Her statements about stem cell research demonstrated that she really had no idea what stem cell research is.

Her stated beliefs that she and McCain can make a dent in our entitlement mess by bringing efficiencies to government agencies is a hopeless concept.

But why do I focus on her a mear potential vice president? She is absolutely correct that others who have come to that office never had met a head of state before and yes, I do not think that such an accomplishment is a qualification for anyone. However, I am two months older than John McCain and if, like the old cliche, she is one heartbeat away from being president, I am dismayed. Her lack of background and core beliefs that are based on a depth of religious surety, that we have seen having great effect on the reasoning of George Bush, magnifies my concerns.
Meanwhile Obama squirms and Biden is lost and alone, somewhere out in America. Obama all ready has given answers to all of the questions that someone like Charles Gibson will ask (Gibson and Stephonopolous once probed Obama about a flag pin in his lapel.) and it will sound like beautiful music. But, if he actually tries even half of what he may at any given time espouse (it changes) he will not be leading a nationwide sing along.

So, our future is cluttered. Problems are building, problems are escalating and there is no leeway for frivolous as usual.

Our future is grim!

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