Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quick Comments on the Georgian situation —which remains on my mind

As I note in my introduction as to why I write/blog I mentioned matching up various sources of information trying to bracket "the truth." Needless to say, as a book written about the McBundy brothers during the Kennedy and Johnson era, "the color of truth is gray."

With the use of the wondrous web, scanning the New York Times, CNN, Russia Today, al Jazzera, etc.,etc., one can bracket a subject reasonably well.

Watching Georgian President Saaskashvilli in enumerable press conferences, always give in English, you can get a distinct feel for the man and it can not be one of candor or confidence.

Putin is also a clear read. He is being pegged as evil but were you a Russian or simply an objective observer he has most dramatically put Russia back together again. Where it ends only time will tell but I really do not see the Russians on the march for world domination. They certainly want a seat at the main table and they will not be denied.

The following are to links to NY times articles. The first:

This is the clearest analysis I have yet seen to date of what the Russian military looked liked in their reaction in Georgia. Another piece I have seen speaks about the age of the Russian T 72 tank pointing out that it is 1970's vintage. True enough, but a person I know who knows about these issues pointed out to me that these "old" tanks have been modernized including a full redo of their armor protection.

The second,

a column by the frustrating Maureen Dowd, is worth noting as it is in an area that she excels. She puts credible innuendo together with wit and can draw a cogent picture. I believe that in this case she has succeeded.

As you all know I have only recently started sending out this blog. To my surprise the comments I have received directly, from those of the left and the right are very supportive.

I appreciate it.

I also find that most of those who sit with me to the right of the center in the politically center, many with career military experience see the same concerns here that I do.

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