Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who will he ask to the prom?

Senator Obama’s staff was quick to bridle at Senator McCain’s playful ad, the one with shots of vacuous celebrities Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, an ad that asked if Mr. Obama was a celebrity or somebody ready to lead.The Obama crew claimed it was adolescent high school humor. In a sense it was but it was worth a chuckle and made a valid point.
However, the Obama complaint proves shallow undermined by the high school intrigue and gossip game of, "who will Mr. Obama pick for his VP?" Can he nominate a woman if it is not Hillary? Will the team like each other and "accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative." (Thank you, Johnny Mercer.)
This is a very serious question. But the question should be not who he wants to date, but why. Will his VP be expected to do a take off from Vice President Cheney’s role as deputy president or will it be someone who fly’s hither and yon to funerals and coronations?

We will all quickly ask that question.
And who will Mr. McCain chose? I would like him to show a different level of maturity and name his VP seconds after Obama name his true flame. If it is a good pick. Tim Pawlenty -- who?????
VP’s or failed VP candidates of the not so distant past are usually not even remembered. Some we try to forget. Many of them came from nowhere and quickly go back to where they came from.
Does any one remember Barry Goldwater’s choice in 1964, an obscure upstate New York congressman that nobody heard of before he was nominated or after. A solid citizen, William Miller, the failed candidate, was one of the the first face "celebrities" used by the American Express card ad that asked, "Do you know me?"
Nobody did even after he ran.
So Saturday will be the big day for Obamanics. A real life edition of "Survivor" with probably just as much lasting meaning.

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